Adamello Ski Raid Adamello Ski Raid
Edizione 2021

Enervit is by our side

Enervit is the Italian leader in the sports supplements and functional nutrition through the research, development, manufacturing and sales of foods and supplements for those who practice sports or live a healthy lifestyle.


Before each sporting activity a correct nutritional strategiy should be aimed at optimizing the availability of Energy and Hydration. It is important to start physical activity without water shortages; even if it is cold, hydration must be taken care of in a particular way before the start of every training or competition. In the meals that precede the sporting performance, give preference to foods that are easy to digest, characterized by an adequate intake of carbohydrates, and a limited content of fats.


During physical activity it is useful to provide energy from "outside" to compensate for the exhaustion of endogenous resources that tends to occur in the last stages of an intense and prolonged effort. For better tolerability, you should eat in small portions and frequently from the initial stages
of the competition and drink regularly in small sips.


At the end of each training session and after each performance, it is necessary to give back
to the body what it has lost during the effort. The recovery phase is important to prepare the body to face the next commitment in the best way,
and the best time for recovery is the one immediately following the performance (within 30’).

Special discount

A Special 30% discount by entering the code ADAMELLO30 on Enervit online shop.
If you are a team, or a ski club and you need more info and a dedicated discount, write to us at and find out what we have in store for you.

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